
Precision signed and sealed

„Correct“ measu­re­ment is of elemen­tary importance, because inaccu­rate or „wrong“ measu­re­ments can result in cost-inten­sive economic conse­quences. The calibra­tion or deter­mi­na­tion of the accuracy of test equip­ments is performed world­wide by accre­dited laboratories.

DSM operates a calibra­tion labora­tory accre­dited and monitored by the „Deutsche Akkre­di­tie­rungs­stelle GmbH (DAkkS)“ (the national accre­di­ta­tion body of the Federal Republic of Germany) accor­ding to
DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018.

For many DSM custo­mers, it is a real advan­tage which often saves time and money. At the site in Aalen, we calibrate, repair and adjust measu­ring systems and sensors in our quality-monitored calibra­tion laboratory.

The monito­ring and calibra­tion accor­ding to national standards is of central importance for new products as well as for older DSM products.

In addition to new and old DSM products, we calibrate nutrun­ners and trans­du­cers (sensors) of other brands.

The calibra­tion certi­fi­cates with accre­di­ta­tion symbol issued by DSM document the proof of tracea­bi­lity to the national standards of the Physi­ka­lisch-Techni­sche Bundes­an­stalt (PTB) in Braunschweig.

DSM is accre­dited for the quantities:

- Torque sensors and measu­ring chains accor­ding to DIN 51309 : 2005
- Calibra­tion devices for torque wrenches accor­ding to DKD‑R 10–8 : 2020

Direct voltage

Direct voltage ratio

Direct current strength

Kalibrierung Einblick


Every company with a quality manage­ment system is obliged within the frame­work of norma­tive requi­re­ments (e.g. accor­ding to ISO 9000ff, IATF 16949, VDA …) in the area of test equip­ment monito­ring to check its measu­ring equip­ment at regular inter­vals and to document this.

DSM meets the highest demands for the calibra­tion of your measu­ring equip­ment. With speci­ally designed calibra­tion equip­ment and norma­tive measu­re­ment proce­dures, our specia­lists in the labora­tory calibrate your measu­ring equip­ment accor­ding to the state-of-the-art methods for testing.


Accre­dited by the DAkkS

The „Deutsche Akkre­di­tie­rungs­stelle GmbH (DAkkS)“ (the national accre­di­ta­tion body of the Federal Republic of Germany) monitors the compli­ance and mainten­ance of the highest quality standards. The DAkkS is a signa­tory to the multi­la­teral agree­ments of the European co-opera­tion for Accre­di­ta­tion (EA) and the Inter­na­tional Labora­tory Accre­di­ta­tion Coope­ra­tion (ILAC) for the mutual recogni­tion of inter­na­tional calibra­tion certi­fi­cates.
The calibra­tion certi­fi­cates with accre­di­ta­tion symbol issued by DSM are there­fore inter­na­tio­nally recognised.
