Press-in technique

digital Press-in techno­logy for optimum connections

Press-in Technique

DSM Digital Press-In Technology

In the field of electro­me­cha­nical press-in units, DSM covers a press-in force range of 50 N to 120,000 N. In line with requi­re­ments, we equip the press-in units with a greater stroke, return stop or electro­me­cha­nical brake.

Thanks to in-house produc­tion, customer-specific designs are possible.

The distance can be measured relatively or absolutely. The distance measu­ring proce­dure to be used is set in the control system.

In digital press-in techno­logy, DSM offers the follo­wing series:

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Basic Princi­ples of Joining Technology

The digital press-in techno­logy by DSM Messtechnik is available in three product series: QMP, SMP and XMP.

They are parti­cu­larly used for press-in compon­ents in steel construc­tion, aircraft construc­tion, automo­tive and civil engineering.

Joining — A Simpli­fied Definition

Accor­ding to DIN ISO 857–1 joining is defined as follows:

Joining refers to the process of connec­ting or combi­ning two or more separate compon­ents to create a unified struc­ture or system.

During this process cohesion is created locally and increased as a whole.

Simply put joining is the perma­nent connec­tion of two or more workpieces with each other through screws, rivets or bolts.

Joining techno­logy also includes fusion with the help of shape­less materials, for example by using an adhesive.

This results in a connec­tion between workpieces that can be both rigid and movable.

Joining Methods

The DIN 8593 standard includes a catego­riza­tion of joining and joining techno­logy, respec­tively into various methods.

These are:

  • Putting together
  • Filling
  • Pressing on/in
  • Shape­less forming
  • Forming
  • Welding
  • Solde­ring
  • Bonding
  • Textile joining

The follo­wing table provides an overview of the indivi­dual joining methods and their appli­ca­tion fields:

Joining MethodDefini­tionField of Application
Putting togetherJoining, placing, setting, inser­ting, fitting together, hanging, hooking, aligning, partial sprea­ding of two workpieces.Assembly
FillingFilling of voids or contai­ners with shape­less materials.Impreg­na­tion
Pressing on/inElastic defor­ma­tion of workpieces through screws, clamps, clips, press connec­tions, nailing, wedging, tensioning.Electrical enginee­ring, mecha­nical engineering
Shape­less formingConnec­ting workpieces with an additional workpiece or shape­less material.3D-printing
FormingShaping workpieces through bending, flanging, necking, narro­wing, folding, notching, grooving, riveting, sprea­ding, overlap­ping, widening.Automo­tive industry, house­hold appli­ances industry
WeldingJoining workpieces through heat/force with/without filler metal (shiel­ding gas, welding powder, fluxes, pastes)Automo­tive industry, mecha­nical enginee­ring, steel and metal construction
Solde­ringCreating a surface to alloy through heat. The workpiece itself is not deformed.Electrical enginee­ring
BondingInsepa­rable and material-bonded connec­tion of workpieces through adhesives.Automo­tive industry, aerospace
Textile joiningConnec­ting workpieces through form fit, force fit or material fit.Textile manufac­tu­ring

DSM Press-In Technology

All press-in units by DSM are designed for the press-in methods of pressing on/in as well as forming.

Appli­ca­tion field

Precision press-in, press-in to a stop, riveting, bending, embossing/forming, testing/measuring, caulking, clipping, checking switch/latch points and calibrating.

The DSM press-in techno­logy series covers the follo­wing compres­sive and tensile forces:

  • QMP-Series: 2,5 kN bis 120 kN
  • SMP-Series: 0,25 kN bis 70 kN
  • XMP-Series: 5 kN bis 25 kN
DSM Press-In Technology Series

Electro­me­cha­nical Press-In Units from 2.5 kN to 120 kN

Die QMP-Series

The DSM QMP Series is compactly built inclu­ding a force sensor, a press-in stamp, an absolute distance measu­ring system and a built-in LED status indicator.

Combined with the MultiPro 3G control system a high assembly accuracy and uninter­rupted documen­ta­tion of produc­tion data is guaranteed.

The entire system is powered by a brushless, electro­ni­cally controlled servo motor.


For all QMP press-in units the options to choose between compres­sion, tension or compres­sion and tension confi­gu­ra­tions are available.

DSM QMP Series

Electro­me­cha­nical Press-In Units from 0.25 kN to 70 kN

Die SMP-Series

The DSM SMP Series is charac­te­rized by a robust and low-mainten­ance design, a digital force sensor and an absolute distance measu­ring system.

The MultiPro 3G control system ensures a high assembly accuracy and uninter­rupted documentation.

Units in this series are powered by a laterally offset, brushless and electro­ni­cally controlled servo motor.


All SMP press-in units are exclu­si­vely designed for compres­sive forces.

DSM SMP Series

Electro­me­cha­nical Press-In Units from 5 kN to 25 kN

Die XMP-Serie

The DSM XMP Series is distin­gu­ished by a flexible design ensuring tremen­dous modula­rity.

A flexible solution for both simple and complex tasks is guaran­teed thanks to follo­wing components:

  • Integrated gear module
  • Variable and highly accurate force sensor
  • Absolute distance measu­ring system
  • Large illumi­nated field
  • MultiPro 3G control system

XMP press-in units are powered by a brushless electro­ni­cally controlled servo motor.

Thanks to the modular struc­ture, a motor holding break (MB), a backstop (RS) and a holding brake (HB) can be added additionally.


The XMP press-in techno­logy is designed for both tensile as well as for tensile and compres­sive forces.

DSM XMP Series

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